August 2024 Dividend Income

And just like that, it is time to post my August 2024 dividend income!

August seemed to fly by real fast. Hard to believe that summer is almost over.

It was a calm August. I pretty much just continued enjoying the outdoors as much as I could.

All the while my money was continuing to work for me each day.



August 2024 Dividend Income

But without further ado, for August 2024, I received $864.65 in dividends from 11 stocks.

  • T – $167.89
  • OHI – $167.50
  • PG – $33.21
  • O – $103.89
  • GIS – $61.20
  • ABBV – $62.00
  • VZ – $107.07
  • GD – $19.88
  • NNN – $66.12
  • TXN – $37.70
  • SBUX – $38.19

August 2024 Dividend Income Total: $864.65

Pretty good month in terms of dividend income!

This month shows a 7.6% year over year increase in growth from August 2023.

With the recent dividend cuts and changes to my portfolio, these middle quarter months have emerged as my second strongest months.

Still, quarter ending months remain my best months as will be shown this September.


Dividend Raises (and Cut)

And now, without further ado, here are my dividend increases (and cuts) from August 2024!

  • ITW increased dividend to $1.50 per share, resulting in a $6.00 increase.
  • MPW decreased dividend to $0.08 per share, resulting in a $252.00 decrease.

All in all, dividend increases for August 2024 totaled: $6.00

Ouch. When you minus the dividend raise from the cut, I am in the red by negative $246.00 this past month.

It sucks, but it is not the end of the world.

My overall investment strategy remains the same.



Thus, we conclude my August 2024 dividend income report!

As of this post, my portfolio is set to generate $15,067 in dividend income over the next 12 months.

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So, how was your August? Let me know in the comments below!

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