Chase Freedom, Not Job Titles

Chase freedom, not job titles! I would say, it is far more important to pursue freedom and then chase fancy job titles.

Some people spend their entire lives chasing titles. Climbing up the corporate ladder, one promotion after another, for shiny new name plates.

Executive Vice President, Supervising Vice President, Chief Operations Manager, Deputy Supervisor, etc.

Next, before they even realize it, 30-40 years of their lives’ pass by.

They put in all the extra hours, barely saw their family (or friends), were stressed out of their minds, and often spent their money on luxuries they did not even have time to enjoy.

Now they are old, probably not in the best of health, and many don’t even have enough saved for retirement.

Was it worth it?

Letting your life pass by while you sat behind a desk with a fancy title.


Job Titles Do Not Bestow Real Power

For many, it is a just a simple power trip. They like the authority that comes from a higher rank.

It does not matter that you spent a lifetime behind a desk, your job title gives you the authority to boss those beneath you around.

For some it is purely a matter of ambition, which is fine if that is what makes you happy.

I believe ambition is a great thing, however, ambition can be misdirected.

For myself, true power is a matter of being able to decide how you use your finite time.

Hence, this power can be obtained through financial freedom, rather then a 9-5 with a fancy title.

Power from a job title is really an illusion.

You may have “Senior Manager” on your name plate, but in reality, you are just a replaceable cog in a machine, no matter how shiny.

When you climb up someone else’s corporate ladder, understand you can be kicked off anytime.

And there where is all that power then?

All the authority bestowed upon you over cubicle workers is gone.

Furthermore, when your employees say “I quit” and leave, all your perceived power over them evaporates as if it was not even there at all.


When to Chase a Job Title

The way I see it, true power lies in financial freedom!

The ability to do what you want, when you want to, with whom you want to at any given time.

You are not dependent on your job or any employer for your livelihood and can freely pursue whatever interest you most.

You are even free to walk away from a job or boss no matter how fancy their titles are and how much power they think they have over you.

They are dependent on large paychecks from the corporate machine in order to keep your house, pay your food bills, and take care of your family.

You are free to walk away from a job or boss with no such collateral damage.

Now that is true power!

For those who do not know, I was recently promoted at work.

I was promoted to a new title and given a pay raise. What does it all mean?

For me, it means more money to save, invest, achieve financial freedom, and get the heck out of my job!

My ultimate goal is freedom, not working at a 9-5 for the rest of my life.

I want to control my time and do things as I see fit, not slave away in an office.

That is when you should go after job titles with higher salary – to help you achieve financial freedom!

Put all the extra money to work for you are start building multiple streams of (passive) income!



What is better: chasing titles versus chasing freedom?

Chase freedom, not job titles! If you do climb the ladder, it is best to do so while actively pursuing your goal of financial freedom.

Use your 9-5 jobs to fund your investments and achieve financial freedom.

That is what I am doing.

Over the past 9 years, I have built a six-figure portfolio that generates a yearly average of over $1,100 per month in dividend income!

That is passive income that I earn while I sleep.

Related: How to Make $1,000 a Month in Dividends

If you are interested in beginning your own journey into dividend growth investing, personal finance, and financial freedom, check out my Getting Started page.

Also, don’t forget to Subscribe for more great content and updates on my financial journey! 🙂

So, what do you think of this post? Are you chasing financial freedom? Let me know in the comments below!


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