July 2024 Dividend Income

And just like that the month is over and it is time to post my July 2024 dividend income!

I am sad to see July go. I really had lots of fun this month.

It started out with my birthday followed up by beach trips, and a couple of baseball games.

Naturally, of course, this means July was more expensive than most other months.

Nevertheless, I am glad I had lots of fun with friends and family.


July 2024 Dividend Income

But without further ado, for July 2024, I received $798.66 in dividends from 14 stocks!

  • STWD – $171.36
  • GSK – $21.52
  • ITW – $21.00
  • CAH – $22.75
  • EMN – $42.93
  • GPC – $50.00
  • PPL – $32.19
  • CSCO – $44.00
  • BEN – $37.20
  • MDT – $49.70
  • JPM – $32.20
  • O – $103.89
  • KO – $34.92
  • MPW – $135.00

July 2024 Dividend Income Total: $798.66

So close to $800, but still a pretty good month for passive income!

This month shows a 6.7% year over year decease in growth from July 2023.

How did that happen? Well, LEG cut its dividend and I have seen sold the entire position.

Therefore, less income this time. But now it is on to dividend raises!


Dividend Raises

And now, without further ado, here are my dividend increases from July 2024!

    • SJM increased dividend to $1.08 per share, resulting in a $3.44 increase.
    • NNN increased dividend to $0.58 per share, resulting in a $6.84 increase.
    • DUK increased dividend to $1.045 per share, resulting in a $3.52 increase.
    • WFC increased dividend to $0.40 per share, resulting in a $19.80 increase.
    • BAC increased dividend to $0.26 per share, resulting in a $11.32 increase.

All in all, dividend increases for July 2024 totaled: $44.92

That is 5 pay raises this past month!

Every little bit helps. Small amounts add up big over time!

Step by step and dollar by dollar, these raises help me achieve financial freedom!



Thus, we conclude my July 2024 dividend income report!

As of this post, my portfolio is set to generate $15,261 in dividend income over the next 12 months.

Check out my Getting Started page if you are interested in beginning your own journey to financial freedom!

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So, how was your June? Let me know in the comments below!



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