Recent Stock Buy – O

Time to post my recent stock buy – O.

I guess you can say I went BIG with this one. It was nice buying O for a discount as the price has dipped under $57.

In any event, I will keep this one short, sweet, and to the point.

On Friday, I purchased 127 shares of O (Realty Income Corp).

This buy adds $389.38 to my annual dividend income.

Thus, I now own a total of 395 shares of O.

My new total dividend income from O will be $1,211,07 yearly.

Therefore, I will earn over $100 per month from O! Sweet!

This recent buy also means that O is now the largest stock in my portfolio in terms of value and second largest in terms of annual dividends.



Thus, we conclude my recent stock buy – O!

As of this post, my portfolio is set to generate $14,092 in projected annual dividend income!

So, stay tuned for more as I continue to build my dividend dynasty!

Check out my Getting Started page if you are interested in beginning your own journey into dividend growth investing and personal finance.

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So, what do you think of my recent buy? Do you own this stock? Also, what stocks are you buying? Let me know in the comments below!


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